I strongly believe that learning to connect and re-parent your inner child is one of the most transformational processes you can do to heal your unconscious wounds.

I frequently use inner child coaching in my Northamptonshire Life Coaching Practice.    A key part of healing your inner child is learning to give your beautiful child what they need from you.   This includes love, acknowledgement, approval and eventually,  the wisdom they need to learn new coping mechanisms from your wise inner adult.

Soothing and Encouraging Phrases.

In todays blog post,  I am going to share with you some soothing and encouraging phrases that will help you re-parent your inner child.  Many of us believe we need to stop our inner child feeling scared or upset.  However, this is less effective that learning to soothe and encourage your inner child,  The key idea is to soothe your child while listening to what they are trying to tell you.

Free Inner Child eBook

Would you like a FREE Copy of my ‘ 50 Ways to Soothe Your Inner Child’ eBook?  It is totally FREE and includes 50 soft and gentle phrases to re-parent your inner child.       Please click here to download the FREE inner child book. 

Why re-parent your inner child?

It is our inner child that holds our negative beliefs and fears.  Healing our inner child helps us learn to meet our own unmet needs and learn new coping mechanisms.  Our wounded inner child still believes everything they heard as a child and has also developed unhealthy coping mechanisms.   Therefore, If we don’t heal our inner child, we will end up just feeling stuck and repeating old self sabotaging behaviours.

This often feels like we WANT to make positive changes, but something just keeps holding us back.   This is our inner child who is scared and unsure.   When we re-parent our inner child, we tell him or her all the things we always wanted to hear from our caregivers when we were growing up.

Soothing  and Encourage Healing Phrases

Even though it doesn’t feel like it, everything is going to be ok

You are safe, it is ok.

I am taking care of you now. You can trust me.

We can do this together, there is no rush.

You are doing really well, you are right on schedule.

We don’t need to do that anymore, there is a better way that will feel better

It is not your fault

This feeling will pass soon

I am here for you. I have your back.

It is ok to feel like you do. I understand

That must have been really difficult for you.

I am really proud of you.

Let’s do this together, I will lead the way

Northamptonshire Life Coach and Inner Child Expert

Formally based in Sydney, Australia,  Life Coach and Confidence Coach Lisa Phillips has over 22 years experience assisting her clients with  inner child coaching.   She has won several international awards for her work assisting people with their confidence and self esteem.   Her experience and vast accreditations means she can support you easily and effortlessly without tying you into long coaching packages.

Lisa’s book  The Confidence Coach‘ is also recommended reading for several national self esteem initiatives.

Due to her level of expertise,  Lisa is the expert Life Coach on The Love Destination and her work is featured regulary in the media. 

Contact Lisa today for a no – obligation chat.  Your inner child with thank you!

Inner Child coaching is available face to face in Northamptonshire or via Zoom or Skype Coaching.