We all experience bad days. Many of us have days where we would rather shut out the entire world and go back to bed. Experiencing negative days is not a bad thing, but what if you could learn a way to change your mood and focus yourself into a better feeling place in only a short period of time? In this weeks Amazing Coaching blog, I will share with you 5 tips to Boost Positive Emotions
Why we have bad days
Bad days are the accumulation of bad thoughts and bad beliefs. We repeat over 80% of our negative thoughts each day. Therefore, it is not surprising, that if we simply continue to focus on negative things, we will ultimately experience more negative days.
Your thoughts create Momentum
Our thoughts create momentum. When we continue to think the same negative thought over a long period of time, the thought will literally gain momentum and ‘ speed up’ in our mind. It is at this point, that the momentum may get so strong and overpowering, that you feel you can’t do anything about it. This then often leads to those inevitable bad days. It is like your thoughts take over your life.
The truth is you cannot abruptly stop fast momentum of your thoughts. It would be putting on the hand break on a fast moving train.
Slow Your Thoughts Down
You can learn to slow the momentum by choosing to focus on slowing down your thoughts. Or if you prefer, focussing on any alternative thought which gives you some emotional relief.
Try these 5 tips to boost Positive Emotions during those inevitable down days:
- Don’t try and force yourself to think positively. If your thoughts have already got speedy momentum going, it simply won’t work. You will just end up getting frustrated with yourself. A better tip is to go for a nap! In doing this you allow the momentum of your thoughts to slow down while you rest. On waking up, you can then start to build some positive momentum with your thoughts with some gentle focus, soothing and encouragement.
- If you are worried about money, it will take ages for affirmations such as ‘ I am abundant and prosperous’ to work and the chances are, these new positive statements will just send you upstream. Instead of focussing on your money issue head on choose thoughts such as ‘ I will work this out’ or ‘ Wouldn’t it be nice if I could find a quick and easily solution’ . Find any thought that gives you some relief and creates positive momentum.
- If you are getting really frustrated with your thinking patterns – try stating ‘ I give up’. When you do this, you again release resistance and you create space for new thoughts and clarity to come to you. Just let it go, give up and see what happens.
- Increase your self care. Instead of getting angry or frustrated with yourself, decide to be your own best friend. Remind yourself that everyone has down days but these should not be a reason to beat yourself up even more.
- Don’t struggle too hard or put too much effort into trying to feel better. You will have more success in finding something to do that will naturally slow down the momentum of your thoughts. Play with a child, pet a kitten or puppy or go for a walk in nature. In fact, do anything that build positive momentum downstream. Try looking at your own personal happiness preferences.
Getting Control of your thoughts
The good news is that when you learn how to slow down the momentum of your thoughts, you create more control over how you think. This can take practice, but in only a short period of time, you can learn to slow down the momentum of your thoughts, before they take hold of you. One of the best ways to do this, is to start each morning building up positive momentum.
Northamptonshire Life Coaching
Northamptonshire based Life Coach and Confidence Coach Lisa Phillips has over 20 years experience. She has also won several international coaching awards for her leading edge Life Coaching techniques. Lisa provides a range of services including Interview Coaching, Career coaching and Relationship Coaching. She also offers a selection of Group Life Coaching sessions and masterclasses. For more information, please see online courses.
Lisa’s work features regularly in the media and she is also the author of ‘ The Confidence Coach’.
Although based in Northamptonshire, Lisa works with clients in London, Manchester, Dubai, Australia and Europe via Online Life Coaching.
Why not contact Lisa Phillips today for a no obligation chat?