

Assertiveness Phrases

By |August 19th, 2021|Newsletters|

Assertiveness is an empowered communication style that allows you to clearly and confidently state how you want people to treat you! It also assists you in honouring your own needs and standing up for what is important to you . Being assertive also allows you to act in your own best interests ( instead of someone's else's best interests) and express your rights as a human being. It is also a sign of self respect and self care.

Are you Regurgitating your Life?

By |June 18th, 2021|Newsletters|

Are you a regurgitator?  Do you just carry over every years disappointments,  anger, upsets into yet another year?   Do you just replaying the same old feelings, circumstances and experiences over and over again? Wouldn’t you prefer to stop regurgitating your old life and stop experiencing the same old hurts, negative emotions  and disappointments over and over again?


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