Would you like support in healing your anxiety? Having recently relocated my Life Coaching business from Sydney, Australia back to Corby, Northamptonshire, I was genuinely shocked at the amount of people who who have been diagnosed with anxiety in the UK.
Anxiety and Mental Health
Anxiety and depression seem to be an epidemic in the UK! Statistics show that 1 in 4 people suffer from anxiety or depression. Mental health issues are also increasing in children and young people.
As a Counsellor, Life Coach and Confidence Coach I have been supporting my personal clients with anxiety in Australia for over 20 years. I also partner with the YMCA Trinity group ( Peterborough and Cambridgeshire) as part of their mental health in the classroom initiatives.
One thing I can say for sure, is that healing anxiety is possible and it doesn’t need to be as difficult as we think!
What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is a feeling of unease, such as worry or fear, that can be mild or severe. We often fear that ‘ something bad’ is going to happen and that we are not capable of handling it. The common medical response to anxiety is to medicate with anti anxiety medication. However, this doesn’t solve the real reason for the anxiety, it just masks the feeling.
Medication can be a great relief for for anxiety suffers. However, what if you want to free yourself from anxiety for good? There is an easier way when we learn to soothe and encourage our thoughts. This methodology can be used for anyone but is particularly effective for those people struggling with anxiety or depression.
Healing Anxiety
I have assisted hundreds of clients to heal their anxiety. If you are familiar with my work as a Life Coach, you will know I often use the adage that life is like a flowing stream with you sitting in a canoe.
When we think about anxiety, it is simply that your scary thoughts have been able to gain momentum upstream for a long time. As a result, they have become your dominant emotion.
If we now add the Law of Attraction into the mix ( that which is like itself is drawn), your dominant thoughts and feelings of anxiety are just drawing more and more anxious thoughts to yourself. As a result, it is no surprise that our minds are just filled with more and more anxious thoughts!
It is easier than you believe
The good news is that healing anxiety for good is much easier than you think. First of all, it is about learning how to soothe your anxiety ‘canoe’ downstream by reaching for thoughts and feelings which give relief from anxiety.
It is not about ‘ getting rid’ of negative thoughts, nor is it about just positive thinking. It is about finding a way to soothe your thoughts gradually downstream. This is a feeling, not a thinking process and it takes a little focus at first to gain momentum.
Caring about how you feel
The aim is to find a way to make feeling better your dominant emotion. It is easier than you think as your canoe will be flowing downstream, rather than all that struggle upstream! Once a downstream emotion is integrated, the key is to keep it active until new neuro pathways are formed.
Recent Testimonial
Having suffered with depression for the past 40 years and having seen countless doctors, counsellors, psychologists, mental health centres and self-help readings, I decided I needed to engage a Life Coach. Lisa Phillips came to me (through Internet searching) and I engaged her services that had an immediate effect on me and my teenage son as we undertook confidence practice together. Twelve 12 months on my guiding path is the skills I learnt with Lisa.
Lisa helped me to find `me’ and in turn, helped those who I love. (Adrian NSW )
Award Winning Life Coach
With qualifications in Life Coaching, Career Coaching, counselling and NLP, Lisa Phillips has over 22 experience as a Leading Life Coach. A regular in the media, Lisa uses leading edge techniques to assist her clients to tap into wellbeing and release anxiety and depression.
Lisa is also an enrichment cruise speaker and a popular inspirational workshop leader and speaker.
Her book ‘ The Confidence Coach’ was published in 2015 and is recommended reading for several international self esteem initiatives.
If you would like to free yourself of anxiety for good, why not contact Lisa Phillips for a no-obligation chat about how she can help you?