It is fair to say that Coronavirus fear is spreading quickly around our world. In this weeks Amazing Coaching blog, I would like to share my tips on Coronavirus and the law of attraction, and specifically how you can use it to give extra protection to you and your loved ones during these uncertain times.
What is the Law of Attraction?
Simple definitions of the law of attraction include:
- That which is like itself is drawn
- What ever you believe, you will receive
- Life is like a photocopier. What you put into your life ( feelings, beliefs and thoughts) you will receive a copy of in your experience)
Coronavirus and The Law of Attraction
Most simply, this means if you are worried about Coronavirus, you can use the power of the law of attraction to give extra protection to yourself and your loved ones. Remember, the law of attraction is always working and is responding to your Thoughts, Feelings and Beliefs right now.
Science is also now supporting the idea that your thoughts impact the cells in your body and your immune system. Research shows that YOU are the placebo and can influence your health and biology through your thoughts and feelings.
Therefore, if you talk non stop about getting Coronavirus and believe you will catch it, you are simply attracting it to you. Furthermore, If you feel scared about getting coronavirus, you are pulling it towards you. Finally, If you believe, that you are your family are going to suffer, be it health wise or financially, then this thought will attract more suffering to you.
To summarise, if you focus on SICKNESS you will pull sickness towards you.
Focus on Wellness during the Pandemic
As much as possible, aim to consciously focus your thoughts and feelings towards feelings of wellness. Even if you can pivot your thoughts just a little bit, you will change your vibrational state of being to a new point of attraction. You can use simply soothing phrases such as ‘ Wouldn’t it be nice if my health just got better and better’ or ‘ I like knowing that I can be well and happy during coronavirus‘
Ideally, we are looking for a vibrational state of wellness, support and health in both your body and mind. Remember, your thoughts and feelings act like a magnet. Therefore, use the law of attraction to your advantage and begin to focus your thoughts towards wellness. The fact is, you cannot attract sickness – if you are vibrating wellness. You can also not attract struggle, if you are vibrating thriving!
In addition, please also follow the World Health Organisations instructions but focus on staying relaxed, calm and gently pivot your thoughts towards ‘ All is ok, my family and I are safe.’
Your Canoe and Stream
We all have our own canoe and stream. When we worry, feel fearful or struggle, it is like trying to take a canoe UPSTREAM. However, if you can let go of the oars, focus on being ok and healthy, you will move your canoe downstream. DOWNSTREAM emotions include hope, trust, wellness, safety, security, trust and wellness. The more time we can spend downstream, the more we will attract downstream emotions. You will ultimately become a magnet to downstream emotions.
It is key to stay on your own Canoe and Stream. Try not to be too influenced by what is happening on the MAINSTREAM.
Soothe and Encourage Yourself
Try these soft and general statements to keep your canoe moving downstream:
- Even though it doesn’t feel like it, everything is going to be ok
- My body is healthy and strong, it will take care of me
- Wouldn’t it be nice if my love ones all stay healthy and happy?
- This will pass, I will be fine.
- Even though other people are worried, I can stay calm and relaxed on my own stream. All is well.
Northamptonshire Award Winning Life Coach
Lisa Phillips has over 22 years experience as an award winning Life Coach and Confidence Coach. She also provides law of attraction coaching and inner child coaching. Due to her expertise, her work is frequently featured in the media.
Her book ‘ The Confidence Coach’ is recommended reading for several international self esteem initiatives.
Why not contact Lisa today for a no-obligation chat or check out her Life Coaching testimonials?