
15 12, 2020

Fear of being Judged

By |2022-03-09T06:27:02+00:00December 15th, 2020|Newsletters|Comments Off on Fear of being Judged

Many of us have a fear of being judged.   We worry about what people think about us and assume others judge us negatively.    But how do you really know this?   Are you a mind reader? Do you have a crystal ball?  The truth is,  fearing being judged is just an old  learned behaviour that really doesn't feel good!  It is very [...]

3 12, 2020

Fear of Bad Things Happening

By |2022-03-09T06:29:32+00:00December 3rd, 2020|Newsletters|Comments Off on Fear of Bad Things Happening

Do you have a fear of bad things happening to you in the future?  Do you always fear the worst case scenario? I call this a foundation belief or shadow belief.    It is also a very common belief which I see regularly manifesting in different ways with my Life Coaching clients.   When left to its own devices, this belief can cause [...]

27 11, 2020

Shadow Beliefs

By |2022-03-09T06:32:24+00:00November 27th, 2020|Newsletters|Comments Off on Shadow Beliefs

Back in 2007,  I attended two week long "Shadow Belief"  workshops.  These were held in the world renowned Omega Institute in New York and also in San Diego USA.   Both were facilitated by Debbie Ford. I have continued to use transformational Shadow belief work in my Life Coaching sessions.  This is deep transformational work originally founded by Carl Jung.    Shadow beliefs [...]

20 11, 2020

Being Seen

By |2022-03-09T06:34:57+00:00November 20th, 2020|Newsletters|Comments Off on Being Seen

How are you being seen?   In my Life Coaching business,  It is not uncommon for clients to come to me in the same week with the same underlying issue.  This is the law of attraction at work and often is highlighting something within my self that needs healing. Over the past few weeks, the topic of ' Being Seen' by other people [...]

13 11, 2020

What Mask are you wearing?

By |2022-03-09T06:37:28+00:00November 13th, 2020|Newsletters|Comments Off on What Mask are you wearing?

What mask are you wearing out in public?  Is it the mask of success, the mask of efficiency or the mask of happiness? I don't mean the masks we wear due to coronavirus or maybe at Halloween. I mean the emotional masks that we all hide behind or wear to cover up the inadequacies we feel about ourselves. We wear different kinds [...]

7 11, 2020

Do you feel unlovable?

By |2022-03-09T06:44:13+00:00November 7th, 2020|Newsletters|Comments Off on Do you feel unlovable?

Sadly, so many adults feel unlovable.  This negative belief may have been formed in our early years when we fail to get the love we deserve or don't have our love mirrored back to us from our family. As a result, many of us have labelled ourselves as being unlovable. As a child,  we may endlessly try to get our parents to [...]

23 10, 2020

It is OK to upset people!

By |2022-03-09T09:50:03+00:00October 23rd, 2020|Newsletters|Comments Off on It is OK to upset people!

So many of us fear upsetting other people.   We have been brought up to be ' good girls' or that we should never do or say something that may upset other people.   However, this belief comes at a cost. When we believe that it is not ok to upset people,  we fear speaking up,  telling our truth or honouring our own emotions.  [...]

16 10, 2020

Your Shameful Secret

By |2022-03-09T09:16:19+00:00October 16th, 2020|Newsletters|Comments Off on Your Shameful Secret

If you make a mistake at work,  shout at the kids , forget to call a friend or basically make an error of judgement in your life – how do you treat yourself? If you are like 90% of people on the planet, you will beat yourself up, chastise yourself and make lots of apologies for your behaviour.   If you deem the [...]

9 10, 2020

The Law of Attractions is not Working!

By |2022-03-09T09:59:38+00:00October 9th, 2020|Newsletters|Comments Off on The Law of Attractions is not Working!

I wish I had a dollar for every time someone complained to me ‘ The Law of Attraction isn’t working’!  or ‘ Where is the money, relationship, career that I have been asking for - Where is my stuff!!!!!’ For those of you how are not familiar with the Law of attraction, it is really simple,   ‘ That which it’s like [...]

2 10, 2020

Your Unmet Needs

By |2022-03-09T10:02:18+00:00October 2nd, 2020|Newsletters|Comments Off on Your Unmet Needs

As a child, we have very important emotional needs.  These needs include a secure attachment, security, feeling loved, wanted, important, listened to, cherished and receiving acceptance and approval.   These needs are in addition to our physical and financial needs. Sadly, if these needs are met, they become your unmet needs.     This is useful article by The Therapy Group of NYC. What are [...]


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