Blogs and Articles
Do you feel Defensive?
When you feel defensive, a past memory or wound [...]
Reduce your Christmas Stress
Christmas is almost upon us and I would like [...]
Fear of being Judged
Many of us have a fear of being judged. [...]
Fear of Bad Things Happening
Do you have a fear of bad things happening [...]
Shadow Beliefs
Back in 2007, I attended two week long "Shadow [...]
Being Seen
How are you being seen? In my Life Coaching [...]
What Mask are you wearing?
What mask are you wearing out in public? Is [...]
Do you feel unlovable?
Sadly, so many adults feel unlovable. This negative belief [...]
It is OK to upset people!
So many of us fear upsetting other people. We [...]
Your Shameful Secret
If you make a mistake at work, shout at [...]
The Law of Attractions is not Working!
I wish I had a dollar for every time [...]
Your Unmet Needs
As a child, we have very important emotional needs. [...]