Good question!

If you have always wondered who a Life Coach helps than today, I have the simple answers for you!

Who Benefits from having a Life Coach?

Anyone and everyone!  It doesn’t matter what your age or background is,  you can benefit from having a Life Coach.  Think of it like a personal trainer for your mind, emotions, relationships, career, finances and much much more.

What do you talk about in your  Life Coaching sessions?

Every session is tailored to your unique requirements.  With my 20 years experience as a Life Coach, Confidence expert and Counsellor, I can assist you in any area of your life.

This list is not exhaustive, but in recent months I have helped people :

  1.  Grow their business
  2. Find their inner confidence
  3. Increase self esteem and self care
  4. Release feelings of ‘ not being good enough‘ ‘ unworthy’ or ‘ important enough
  5. Improve relationships, both personal and professional
  6. Resolve problems in their career, relationships and finances
  7. Get the job they want through my Career Coaching and Interview Coaching
  8. Tap into their real authentic self
  9. Feel great and release old programming
  10. Release anxiety and depression.

The truth is,   many of the issues we experience in our lives are down to old programming, old habits and negative beliefs.  Therefore Life Coaching with me will have you feeling more positive, more in control of your life, more resilient and less anxious.    A positive side effect of any type of coaching is the ability to cope with life in a more positive way and achieve any goal or desire you want  – from increasing your self esteem to becoming a more assertive person.

Why not contact me today for a no obligation chat to see how I can assist you?

Expert  Life Coaching and Confidence Coaching

Formally based in Sydney, Australia,   Northants Life Coach, Confidence Coach and author of ‘ The Confidence Coach’ book Lisa Phillips has over 20 years experience.   She works with clients all over the world either in face to face sessions in Northamptonshire or Via Phone or Skype.    The Northants Life Coach has won several awards for her work and is a regular in the media.   For more information, please see   Lisa also offers Interview Coaching, Executive Coaching, Business Coaching and  Career Coaching. 

Northamptonshire Guest Speaker and Trainer

Lisa is also a fully qualified Trainer and has been guest speaker at over 200 events.  She is currently a Cruise ship enrichment speaker for Carnival Cruises, Princess, Royal Caribbean and Celebrity Cruises.

Lisa is the current Confidence Coaching expert on The Love Destination TV.