Let go of Negative Emotions in the New Year

2017 has been a big year for Amazing Coaching!  I started 2017 as a Sydney Life and Confidence Coach, and now I am a Northamptonshire based Life Coach!

I must be honest,  moving back to the UK was a difficult decision and it has taken some positive momentum to get my business up and running in the UK.   However, the good news is that although I am based in Northamptonshire, I am still working with so many of my wonderful clients across the world with Skype Life Coaching.  I have also been collaborating with several fabulous organisations across the UK and have some great speaker engagements coming up!

If you followed my work in Australia, you will know that I featured heavily in the media.   I am now working hard with the UK media and have some wonderful articles being featured in national magazines in early 2018.

In this last newsletter of the year,  I wanted to focus on how to let go of negative emotions in the New Year.

So many of us live our lives like ground hog day.  We can’t wait until Friday comes along and we only seem to be really joyful on rare occasions such as holidays or good nights out.

We spend far too much of our lives feeling bad

When you think about your 2017, what do you feel? Was it a fantastic year or are you one of those people who can’t wait for 2017 to end?  Just how many New Years have you been pleased that the past year is over?

The truth is, that if you end up feeling frustrated or upset about the last 12 months of your life,  then it is time to make some changes to make sure that 2018 doesn’t end up in exactly the same way!

Think about it….what negative emotions, feelings, resentments, hurts and issues have you just been carrying around from year to year? What stories about your life do you keep repeating over and over again?

How to Let go of Negative Emotions in 2018.

Wouldn’t it be nice to feel relief from always struggling? Wouldn’t it be nice to feel better about yourself? Wouldn’t it be nice to feel more confident or step into the life you have always wanted to live? Wouldn’t it be nice to let go of Negative emotions in 2018 and start feeling happy on a more regular basis? Happy with your life and happy with the person you are inside?

I promise you, it is much easier than you think.   You can do it and you can feel great!  The good news that in January 2018 I am offering all new clients a 10% discount on my Confidence Coaching and Life Coaching sessions.  I won’t tie you into any packages and you can choose to just have 1 session.

Remember you do deserve to feel good so why not be your own best friend and drop me a line for a free no obligation consultation at info@