
10 06, 2021

Do you experience Shortage Consciousness?

By |2022-03-09T03:25:27+00:00June 10th, 2021|Newsletters|Comments Off on Do you experience Shortage Consciousness?

Do you believe there is never enough for you?  Are you always worried about money?  Do you hold the belief that  you have to work hard to gain 'your share' of money, clients, love or material possessions? Shortage Consciousness is about your ability to perceive or expect an ongoing flow of wellbeing or good things to flow into your life on a [...]

28 05, 2021

7 Tips for Building Confidence

By |2022-03-09T03:33:48+00:00May 28th, 2021|Newsletters|Comments Off on 7 Tips for Building Confidence

Looking to build your confidence or self esteem? 7 Tips for building confidence from Lisa Phillips, author of ' The Confidence Coach' book. 1) Write a list of things that you like about yourself and your positive qualities. These could be the fact you are helpful, creative, traits or the fact that you get things done on time. Make sure you write [...]

20 05, 2021

Your Personal Bill of Rights

By |2022-03-09T03:38:56+00:00May 20th, 2021|Newsletters|Comments Off on Your Personal Bill of Rights

One of the topics I raise with my Life Coaching clients is  Your Personal Bill of Rights.  This simple process is a great reminder that your needs are important! I first came across this idea through the work of Edmund Bourne, PhD, in his book The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook. The Personal Bill of Rights is a reminder that every one in [...]

14 05, 2021

Why Your Life is Like a Flowing Stream

By |2022-03-09T03:42:39+00:00May 14th, 2021|Newsletters|Comments Off on Why Your Life is Like a Flowing Stream

Whether I am on stage speaking on a cruise ship, facilitating a confidence workshop, or working with my Life Coaching clients,  I always talk about why your life is like a flowing stream. When you wake up each morning,  I would love you to imagine that instead of getting out of bed, you get into a canoe.  This canoe, is floating on [...]

9 05, 2021

Start Self Soothing!

By |2022-03-09T03:46:18+00:00May 9th, 2021|Newsletters|Comments Off on Start Self Soothing!

The art of self soothing is an important practice both for children and adults.   Learning to self sooth yourself gives you the power to change your emotional state and give yourself relief from negative emotions. When you consciously soothe yourself,  you are also healing your inner child,  reducing the energy around negative feelings and importantly,  giving yourself relief from negative emotions such [...]

1 05, 2021

How to Stop Feeling Guilty

By |2022-12-13T13:05:51+00:00May 1st, 2021|Newsletters|Comments Off on How to Stop Feeling Guilty

In this weeks Amazing Coaching's blog, I will share with you a few important tips on  ' How to Stop Feeling Guilty' It is human nature to sometimes feel guilty about our past mistakes.   However,  does feeling guilty really solve anything?  Does it actually make things better?  Or are you just finding another reason to beat yourself up or punish yourself?  [...]

30 04, 2021

Are you feeling bored with life?

By |2022-03-09T04:14:33+00:00April 30th, 2021|Newsletters|Comments Off on Are you feeling bored with life?

Despite lockdown easing, many of us are still feeling bored with life.   In this weeks Amazingcoaching newsletter, I thought I would explore why so many of us feel bored with life and in addition, what can be done about it. Why we feel bored with Life I love this quote by Paulo Coelho One day you will wake up and there won’t [...]

15 04, 2021

Are you chasing love?

By |2022-03-09T05:06:50+00:00April 15th, 2021|Newsletters|Comments Off on Are you chasing love?

Do you find yourself picking unsuitable partners and chasing love from other people? Are you always on the look out for someone to love you in order to fill an empty void inside of you?  Do you feel that if you 'get someone to love you' that you are actually worthy and loveable? In this weeks blog,  I would like to explain [...]

9 04, 2021

5 ways to heal your Inner Child

By |2022-03-09T05:12:26+00:00April 9th, 2021|Newsletters|Comments Off on 5 ways to heal your Inner Child

The inner child is the part of us which is unhealed from emotional wounds and traumas caused in our childhood.   The inner child never goes away and lives in our unconscious mind.   It is our inner child that influences how we live our lives and our emotional wellbeing.  In todays blog, I will share with you ' 5 ways to heal your [...]

26 03, 2021

Do you know who you REALLY are?

By |2022-03-09T05:19:16+00:00March 26th, 2021|Newsletters|Comments Off on Do you know who you REALLY are?

Who are you really? Do you know who you really are -  Your true authentic self? When you were born When you came into this world, you knew your power.  You knew that you were good enough, worthy, loveable and so much more.    You also knew that if you wanted to bring something into your experience,  you simply needed to focus [...]


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