Do your employees have good Mental Health?
Working conditions and environment has a huge impact on an employees mental health. Employee mental health has a significant impact to perform well in their job.
Employee Mental Health Statistics
Statistics show that 1 in 6.8 people experience mental health problems in the workplace. In addition, women who are in full time employment are almost twice as likely to have a mental health issue as men in full time employment.
Finally, evidence shows that just under 13% of all staff absence days in the UK are related to Mental Health.
Prevention of Employee Mental Health
The good news is that lots can be done to both prevent and correct employee mental health. However, in all honesty, many organisations are unwilling to do anything about it. While based in Australia, the majority of successful organisations were willing to invest in the wellness of their employees. This could include Lunch and Learn Sessions, Workplace Wellness Workshops, Mental Health initiatives, Gender Gap seminars and diversity initiatives.
I admit to being rather disappointed at the lack of wellness initiatives for Staff in the Northamptonshire area.
In recent months, I have been approached by several employees who are struggling with mental health at work. They have described their workplaces as being toxic with many employees struggling with depression and anxiety.
In both situations, these individuals had reached out to their Human Resources department for assistance but were informed that a budget was not available.
I find it shocking that organisations are not willing to invest in mental health initiatives for their staff. There is an enormous amount of very solid statistical evidence that illustrate the benefits of employee wellness programs. Not only do Employee mental health programs reduce the cost of absent and sick employees, they help keep staff healthy, engaged, productive and efficient. In addition, having a workplace wellness program entices quality talented employees.
Employee Mental Health Programs in Northamptonshire.
I offer a wide range of employee mental health services for employees. These range from Wellness Coaching, Wellness Workshops and Lunch and Learn sessions. Topics can include:
- Mental Health at Work
- Dealing with Anxiety and Depression
- How to be your own best friend at Work
- Increasing Resilience
- Dealing with Stress at Work
Why not check out my speaker page or media page and contact me for a no obligation chat?
I have worked in a wide range of industries including Education, Hospitality, Banking and Finance, Manufacturing and Social and Health Care.