
19 09, 2018

Guest Speaker Corby Business Network

By |2024-03-01T21:40:49+00:00September 19th, 2018|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Guest Speaker Corby Business Network

Award winning Northamptonshire Life Coach is delighted to be asked to be a guest speaker at the Corby Business Network.Corby Business NetworkA member of the Business UK Network,  Corby Business Network holds networking meetings for local businesses on a monthly basis.  It invites businesses from Corby, Weldon, Rockingham, Gretton, Cottingham, Middleton, East Carlton, Stanion, Little Stanion and surrounding villages!Safe bodybuilding anabolic, testosterone over [...]

8 09, 2018

Healing Anxiety

By |2022-03-09T15:15:53+00:00September 8th, 2018|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Healing Anxiety

Would you like support in healing your anxiety?  Having recently relocated my Life Coaching business from Sydney, Australia back to Corby, Northamptonshire, I was genuinely shocked at the amount of people who who have been diagnosed with anxiety in the UK. Anxiety and Mental  Health Anxiety and depression seem to be an epidemic in the UK!  Statistics show that 1 in 4 [...]

5 09, 2018

Rules for Being Human

By |2022-03-09T15:17:13+00:00September 5th, 2018|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Rules for Being Human

We all need a little reassurance sometimes! As human beings we really are our own worst enemies.  We beat ourselves up endlessly and pick away at our self esteem and Confidence. I am not sure when I first came across these tips on ' Rules for Being Human' but I thought I would share them with you today.  How do you feel [...]

29 08, 2018

Identifying Your Relationship Needs

By |2022-04-25T12:17:16+00:00August 29th, 2018|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Identifying Your Relationship Needs

Identifying Your Relationship Needs Have you ever stopped and thought about your Relationship needs?  I mean the things which are important for you to receive and feel  in your relationships?   Relationship needs  are important for us to stay healthy and empowered in relationships. When we fail to identify and honour our relationship needs, we may find that we ' give away [...]

21 08, 2018

The Love Destination TV Series

By |2022-03-09T15:21:47+00:00August 21st, 2018|Uncategorised|Comments Off on The Love Destination TV Series

Have you heard of the Love Destination TV Series?   The Love Destination is a brand new global, video-on-demand network for everything love, dating and relationships related.  It is a brand new platform which is  available online, on your smart tv and as an app. The Love Destination is a subscription based channel.  Their global mission to conquer loneliness and disconnection, inspiring and [...]

20 08, 2018

The Photocopier of Life!

By |2022-03-09T15:26:20+00:00August 20th, 2018|Uncategorised|Comments Off on The Photocopier of Life!

A very important part of my coaching process is helping people identify and use the Photocopier of life.  This is a simple analogy I use when supporting to clients to heal re-occurring patterns of behaviour in their life. The Law of Attraction and the Photocopier of Life Many of us are familiar with the sayings ' What you put into life you [...]

14 08, 2018

How to Feel Confident

By |2022-04-25T12:15:56+00:00August 14th, 2018|Uncategorised|Comments Off on How to Feel Confident

Each and every one of us has a unique definition of what confidence personally means to us.  In this article today I will share with you some tips on How to Feel Confident. For some, how to feel confident means the ability to be a confident public speaker.  For other people,  it may be getting naked in front of our partner with [...]

9 07, 2018

Lisa Phillips Enrichment Speaker on Princess Cruises

By |2022-03-09T15:30:14+00:00July 9th, 2018|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Lisa Phillips Enrichment Speaker on Princess Cruises

Award winning Confidence Coach and Motivational Speaker Lisa Phillips is delighted to be engaged to be an Enrichment Speaker on Princess Cruises. This isn't the first cruise company Lisa has worked with, as she is also engaged by Celebrity Cruises, Royal Caribbean and P&O cruise lines.  35 Day Asia and Europe Princess Cruise The Princess guest speaker engagement was 3g days - [...]

17 05, 2018

Some Should do’s you could live without!

By |2022-04-25T11:48:58+00:00May 17th, 2018|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Some Should do’s you could live without!

What Should do's could you live without? Several years ago, I attended a workshop in New York with Life Coach Debbie Ford.   During this course, Debbie spoke extensively about letting go  of all the Should do's in our life.   I love this principle and often use it in my own life and with my own life coaching clients. Think about it, [...]

30 03, 2018

10 Tips to help Dealing with Bullies

By |2022-03-09T15:32:35+00:00March 30th, 2018|Uncategorised|Comments Off on 10 Tips to help Dealing with Bullies

Dealing with Bullies Unfortunately, there are situations where you may find yourself dealing with bullies  such as at work or when dealing with a close member of your family. In these cases, it is key to put a plan in place and look at what needs to happen in order for you to take your power back and feel safe and respected. [...]


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