Working with your Inner Child

In my opinion, inner child coaching is one of the most transformational processes that you learn in order to heal your unconscious wounds, self sabotaging patterns and negative beliefs.   It is also a beautiful process which helps to to put your head and heart into pure alignment.  Inner Child coaching ensures that you  move forward into a healthy adult without the wounds of the past holding you back.

Who is your inner child?

We all have a ‘ mini me’ or inner child inside of us.   It is the part of us that loves having fun, is creative, joyful and playful.   However, it is also the part of us that carries our wounds, hurts and misunderstanding from our past.  When children are growing up, they are simply like a sponge, picking up everything we see or hear around us.  However, as a child, we can often misunderstand the ‘ meaning’ behind peoples reactions and behaviour.  As a child, we don’t have the ability to rationalise how someone is behaving or understand it may have nothing to do with us!  As a result, we tend to blame ourselves.  Simply, we become what we hear.

Just like any small child,  our inner child holds onto these negative beliefs until they are healed.  When we can’t understand why we are behaving like we do, feel stuck or can’t seem to break old patterns, this is when our inner child is in charge.   Amongst many other emotions, our inner child can have temper tantrums,  feel unsafe or feel like nobody understands nor listens to them.

When we feel stuck

No amount of trying to convince yourself to change or positive thinking will impact the beliefs of your inner child.  We  need to work and heal him / her directly.   We can do this by introducing our inner adult.  The wise and rational part of us that has more understanding of the world and why people behave like they do.

What is inner child coaching?

Inner child coaching is a deep yet healing process that connect you with your wounded inner child.   It requires you ( or your inner adult) to build trust with your little one so that she begins to listen to what you have to say.   Inner child coaching includes listening, loving, acknowledging, validating and finally, re-parenting your ‘ mini me’.  It can also be about assisting her to get her needs met in a healthy way.

In my Northamptonshire Life Coaching practice,  I use a range of techniques to help you connect and heal your inner child.   Many beliefs can be healed instantly once your inner child begins to work with you and trust you.  As I have over 22 years experience, I am able to work with you in a supportive and transformational way which will have your inner child feeling happy, safe and authentic.

Review one of my favourite inner child meditations.

Free Inner Child Download

Would you like a FREE copy of my ‘ 50 Ways to Soothe Your Inner Child’ e-book?  The book contains 50 soothing phrases you can use to soothe and encourage your beautiful inner child.     Just click here for your FREE DOWNLOAD. 

Lisa Phillips,  Northamptonshire Life Coach

Formally based in Sydney, Australia,  Lisa Phillips has over 22 years experience offering Inner Child Coaching, Life Coaching and Confidence Coaching to clients all over the world.   Now based in Corby, Northamptonshire,  Lisa continues to support her clients via Zoom coaching and telephone coaching.

Due to her life coaching expertise,  Lisa’s work is regularly featured in the media.  She has also won several international life coaching awards for her leading edge techniques.   Lisa is also the author of ‘ The Confidence Coach’ book which is recommended reading for several international self esteem initiatives.

To find out more about inner child coaching, life coaching or confidence coaching with Lisa Phillips, please contact her for a no-obligation chat.