Would you like more confidence when applying for Jobs?

Lisa Phillips, an award winning guest speaker and Life Coach based in Northamptonshire,  recently ran a webinar on this very topic.

Confidence in the Job Application Process

Lisa was recently asked by Mandarin Consulting , a global elite coaching company based in London to run a webinar for their candidates.   Lisa also works on a freelance basis with the company so was delighted to share her expertise on Career Confidence with a wide range of Graduates.

Here are a few of Lisa’s tips on confidence when applying for Jobs:

  • Take responsibility for your Career Search – It is up to you!
  • Focus on what you can do – not what you can’t do!
  • Set yourself a goal for how many opportunities you will apply for each week
  • Record and track all opportunities – be organised
  • You must have confidence in yourself, so that the employer can trust you

Confidence on Job Application Forms

  • You must have confidence in yourself, so that the employer can trust you
  • If you don’t believe in yourself – why would the organisation believe in you?
  • You need to stand out from other applicants!
  • You will be more comfortable in answering questions
  • Interviewers can spot ‘ fake’ answers

Confidence with Online Job Interviews

  • Positive Body language
    Smile at the camera
    Connect with the camera as if it was your friend.
    Be yourself
    Don’t read from your notes
    Power Pose!
    Visualise a positive outcome

Tips for Confidence in Face to Face Interviews

  • Research shows that interviewers make a decision who to offer a job to within 4 minutes! In this time they will be viewing how you look, how you speak, how you greeted the interviewer and your body language.
  • When meeting the interviewer, greet them with a nice and firm handshake.
  • Aim to make a connection, build rapport, Smile, eye contact
  • Positive body language
  • Take deep breathes if you are nervous, try and relax as much as possible
  • Think positive before attending the interview. Always think that “you can do it “.
  • Remember the interviewer is only human
  • Tell yourself ‘ I am going to do a great interview today’
  • Visualise a great outcome

If you don’t get the job…..

  • Focus on the positives and what you have learned so far
  • Every interview is great experience
  • Do not label yourself as ‘ a failure’ . This will eat away at your confidence
  • You only need one successful interview!
  • Encourage yourself to keep going

Lisa Phillips is a Life Coach, Confidence Expert and Speaker based in Northamptonshire, UK.  Lisa works with clients all over the world via Skype or Telephone.   Lisa has over 20 years experience and is the author of ‘ The Confidence Coach’ book. Why not contact Lisa today for a no-obligation chat to see how she can assist you?

Check out Lisa’s Online Life Coaching courses.